Please be aware that all sessions and child participation is subject to the successful completion of a child registration form containing all the vital personal details of your child including any medical, illness or injury information that we will need, as well as all the correct information about yourself, your contact details and any other important details you feel we should know.
Please know that all registration forms and the information you have given us, will always be treated as confidential. Payment for all services provided will be accepted in the form of cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Unfortunately because of significant upfront costs for administration, coaches and venue hire, we regret to inform you that refunds for any missed classes, events/services, cannot be given under any circumstances.
We expect all children to show respect at all times towards other participants and our staff. If for whatever reasons we find that a particular child is being disruptive in any kind of way that we feel is affecting other children and the session, we will deal with the situation in a way we feel appropriate in order to find the correct and positive solution. This will always involve working closely with the child and the parent/carer, guaranteeing we do what we can to resole any problems. No child will ever miss vital session time without good reason or explanation and your cooperation with us on this matter is very important.
Please make our staff aware of any existing injuries or illness prior to registering with us or before any sessions. This may include antibiotics or asthma inhalers that have to be taken during activity.
A weekly register/attendance log will be done prior to all sessions commencing. If any child has to leave any session for any particular reasons, it's imperative that the coaches are informed. Any parent/carer who is late in collecting their child, can be assured that under no circumstance will their child be allowed to leave the premises unless we have written permission. They will be supervised at all times by at least 2 members of staff.
If your absence lasts more than 15 minutes, we will contact you using your child's detailed information in order to clarify your whereabouts, and make you aware politely of our procedures if this matter arises frequently.
We kindly ask that your children do not wear their best items of clothing and do not bring any items of value to our sessions in order to avoid them being broken, lost or stolen. We endeavour to return items left behind as best we can.
As coaches we aim to have good rapport with parents and families which vitally encourages trust for both parties and can only be good for your child's development. We will continually, throughout your child's time with us, regularly interact with yourselves regarding your child's development, at all times of the coaching programme.
This will be done in a number of unique ways and will ensure that at all times both parties are happy with the service provided.
We fully appreciate that football is a game full of energy and entertainment, and that it is only natural at times to express your feelings and emotions from the sidelines, however we kindly ask that all input from yourselves is only ever positive at all times. Our role as parents and coaches is equally important to children and the improvement they make, and by working together we can guarantee that at the very least, your child will enjoy their time at our soccer academy.
Your support and encouragement for what we are trying to do as coaches is greatly appreciated and we are always looking for ways in which to develop our product. Any feedback which you can give or feel will benefit your child, will always be taken on board, discussed and put into practise in a positive way.
If there is anything you feel we should know or if you have any questions needing answered regarding what we do, please do not hesitate to come and speak with us.
We are very approachable at all times and only too happy to help you in every way we can.